el blog de los proyectos de Olga Berrios

Escaparate personal, Música

“Sukkar Ya Banat” y “Mrayte ya mrayte” de Racha Rizk

Dos canciones preciosas de una película que me fascina.

Caramel (Soundtrack)

سكر بنات_رشا رزق

عجقة سير وسيارات وصوت سكربينات
وايدين تغني فيهن سكر يا بنات
وهالكحل اللي بعينيهم وهالشفاف السمر
عم بتبوس بإيديهن هالقلام الحمر
جاية هدية حبيبك
على جنح الطير
باعتلك نسمة تجيبك بعجقة هالسير
باعتلك نسمة تشيلك
فوق هالطرقات
عجقة سير وسيارات وصوت سكربينات
وايدين تغني فيهن سكر يا بنات
سكر يا بنات
The translation

traffic jam & cars & sounds of shoes
& hands that sang with it (sugar girls)
this eyeliner on thier eyes & those tan lips
those red lipliners are kissing their hands
ur lovers gift is coming
on the birds wing
he sends a breeze to bring u in this traffic jam
he sends a breeze to carry u
above these roads

My mirror, oh my mirror, I will tell you my story
Tell me who I am
You are me, and I am you, no matter how big you grow to be and no matter how much you change
In my eyes you are still six, oh my mirror
I’m going to tell you my story
Tell me I am the fairest of them all
And the most sensual/feminine of them all
Look and tell me what it is you see, oh my mirror
I’m going to tell you my story
Tell me why
My hair is not blonde
My hips are not small
And my lips are not full, oh my mirror
I will tell you my story
Tell me how
I can make it smaller
Or how to be beautiful in make-up
With my party dress, oh my mirror
Tell me who I am
You are me, and I am you, no matter how big you grow to be and no matter how much you change
In my eyes you are still six, oh my mirror
Tell me who I am
Tell me who I am
Oh my mirror, oh my mirror, oh my mirror

Compositor Khaled Mouzanar.


  1. Tanto la peli como la banda sonora los conocí gracias a ti…

    Muchas gracias!

  2. Comment by post author

    Me alegro de que compartamos un amor mutuo por Caramel… es taaaaaaaaaan guay…

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